What a day at the Play Grove looks like...
8:30-9:00 Drop Off
Families arrive and check in with the playworkers and sign in via Brightwheel. Children help put their gear and lunch in their cubby in the tent. Playworker checks to make sure the child has everything they need for the day. Some families may say goodbye before Circle Time and others may stay based on preference of the family.
9:00 Morning Circle
Circle time starts with a song and a greeting. We get a chance to check in with each other, check in about the weather, and review the plan for the day. We always have a plan, but we're in no rush to get there.
9:15 Morning Adventure
A playworker leads a morning adventure (or a short hike) that is informed by the kids' interests and experience levels. These morning adventures take place on the property and lead to many new discoveries about the local flora and fauna. Some morning adventures we'll find animal tracks, some mornings we'll discover new bushes perfect for fort building, or some mornings we'll encounter fresh fennel that we can bring back for snack and tea!
10:00 Snack (Children bring their own)
Children gather their water bottles and their snack from their cubbies and join everyone on the picnic tables outside (or in the tent if it’s raining). Our Garden Curriculum activity may include a scrumptious activity! Children are also encouraged to eat a snack from home as well. During snack, playworkers may share a story. Playworkers will check in with children, reminding them about bathroom breaks, water breaks, etc. As the kids finish their snack, they will transition to free play.
10:30 Guided Play
Guided play time is presented as several stations or options where children are empowered to make their own choices. This may look like building, climbing, acting out stories, creating art, or squishing mud. Playworkers step into 'watching mode,' making and documenting observations about each child, ensuring physical and emotional safety, and supplementing play as helpful.
11:30 Lunch (Children bring their own)
Before lunch begins, children help clean up from guided play, go to the bathroom, and wash their hands. They gather their water bottles and lunch boxes, and we all eat together. During lunch, playworkers might sing a song or tell stories or read a book to help support their young learners. After eating, the children put away their lunch things, go to the bathroom (as needed), wash their hands, and transition into play.
12:00 Free Play
After lunch, children will have the opportunity to engage in free play. Playworkers will check in with children frequently to see what they need at this time. Free play during this time will happen closer to the tent area to keep the group together. Free play might look like building forts or making mud pies, exploring the seasonal creek or finding earthworms in the garden beds.
12:50 Closing Circle
At 12:50 playworkers and children will circle up and reflect on their day and sing songs. Caregivers arrive and sign their child out with the playworker by the playground. Playworkers communicate noteworthy events from the day, share accomplishments, and pass along preparation notes for coming sessions as needed. Caregivers are encouraged to glance at the lost and found pile before leaving.